Young Eco-Warriors Take the Lead in Wetland Conservation at CMS VATAVARAN Event in Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh


New Delhi : The 12th CMS VATAVARAN International Film Festival and Forum on Environment and Wildlife continued its successful journey today with an inspiring event at Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. More than 360 students from classes 4 and 5 gathered to engage in thought-provoking film screenings, creative art competitions, and lively discussions on the critical importance of wetland conservation.

Inspiring Film Screenings:

Students were captivated by a selection of powerful environmental films on wetlands, wildlife, and water conservation. Aligned with the festival’s theme “Wetlands for LiFE,” these films emphasized the vital role wetlands play in maintaining ecological balance and underscored the urgent need for their protection. The films left a lasting impression on the young audience, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Creative Expression Through Art:

The painting competition saw enthusiastic participation, as students expressed their interpretation of “Wetlands for LiFE” through vibrant artwork. The top ten paintings from today’s event will be showcased during the festival’s grand finale at the Ganga Auditorium, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, from October 3-5, 2024.


Engaging Discussions:

Expert-led discussions on key environmental topics, including Wetlands, Water Conservation, and Climate Change, engaged the young students in thoughtful dialogue. The students actively participated, answering questions and sharing their stories and poems on water and wetlands. These conversations inspired the children to take meaningful steps towards environmental stewardship and highlighted the power of youth in driving positive change.

Commitment to Change:

The event concluded with students pledging to adopt eco-friendly practices and spread awareness about wetland conservation within their communities. The day at Modern Public School was a resounding success, furthering the mission of the CMS VATAVARAN Festival to inspire collective action for a sustainable future.

“It is heartening to see the passion and commitment these young students have towards protecting our planet,” said Ms. P N Vasanti, Director General of CMS. “Through initiatives like CMS VATAVARAN, we aim to empower the next generation to take charge of our environment and create a future where nature and humans can thrive together.”

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